Friday, July 30, 2010


Updated 11-15-10:

In September 2009, I wrote a blog about my cousin Ken and how we celebrated his 60th birthday. My cousin recently passed away after a 4 year battle with brain cancer. His strength and courage was amazing - and he was truly honored by many friends and loved ones at his memorial luncheon.

On July 8, I passed the 1 year mark of my diagnosis. On November 12 I had my chemo port removed -- closure (except for the pills that cause joint pain and water retention).

And, life goes on. I'm feeling great, my hair is growing in bushy and curly, and work is keeping me busy.

Survival is a good thing -- and I am happy to be able to support those friends and family members who are now going through similar trials in their own lives. Cancer seems to be on a fast pace these days. But, it's survivable!

I am planning my next vacation -- well deserved and a celebration of life! Next May, my brother Brian and I will go on a 14 day river cruise with Avalon Waterways on the maiden voyage of their newest ship -- our itinerary takes us from Amsterdam, along the Rhine, Mein, and Danube Rivers to Budapest. From there we will travel to Prague for 4 days. Before we get to Amsterdam, we will spend a few days in Normandy, France visiting the area, seeing the WWII sites, and having a few nice days with my pen-pal from England and her husband. It will be our 50th anniversary of being pen pals! Sounds like a great trip, even if my brother thinks it's a "geriatric" cruise -- we'll show him!

Wishing my friends a wonderful holiday season -- I am so happy that this year I can celebrate without feeling sick, bald or grouchy! How time flies ....